Bu Cisco Anyconnect

Bu Cisco Anyconnect

On Wednesday, October 3, 2012, a new version of the Cisco AnyConnect client was deployed. You should get this update automatically when first connecting to http://work2.bumc.bu.edu after this date.

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This new version of the Cisco AnyConnect client was deployed in order to:
• Resolve several major bugs and conflicts with various desktop operating systems
• Provide reliable support for both Windows and Macintosh
• Provide new functions and features, including support for Android clients
• Patch identified critical security vulnerabilities
• Keep clients in a vendor-supported version
• Address an expired vendor signed certificate with the older client installation bundle

  1. Symptom: Anyconnect NAM connection to the network is unstable on a PC where network settings are being pushed from the GPO. We have worked on several other SRs where BU has stated that NAM with GPO is not supported. Will attach one of my SRs. Conditions: Anyconnect NAM installed on a PC where network settings are being pushed from the GPO.
  2. Hello, I have a anyconnect vpn setup which works fine as long as I'm connecting using the IP address and port number. I have recently bought a domain and setup a sub domain for example vpn.company.com now redirects to my IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: If i put the sub domain in a web browser it.

The AnyConnect client provides many options for automatically connecting, reconnecting, or disconnecting VPN sessions. These options provide a convenient way for your users to connect to your VPN, and they also support your network security requirements. Starting and Restarting AnyConnect Connections.


With the update, the name changed from “Cisco AnyConnect” to “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.” Unfortunately, this name change will cause any existing shortcuts to stop working. If you have had trouble connecting to the VPN after October 3, you should delete any shortcuts in use and start fresh by connecting to http://work2.bumc.bu.edu. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Buy Cisco Anyconnect License

At this time we are unaware of any other issues related to this upgrade. However, additional information on this release is provided by Cisco. Please feel free to contact the IT Help Center (617-353-4357 or ithelp@bu.edu) or BUMC IT (617-638-5914 or bumchelp@bu.edu) if you have any problems or questions.